With vaccination being rolled out in most wealthy countries around the world, it is no surprise that some people are already taking off to the skies for their next vacation. Here we present some of the reasons why you should definitely consider visiting Bolivia in 2021.
Bolivia’s borders are fully open (by air) It is completely possible to travel to Bolivia by plane in 2021.
As long as your flight does not originate in Europe (which is restricted until Feb. 15th), all you need is a negative COVID-19 test taken within the last 72 hrs. Isolation/quarantine is not required for any traveler.
Bolivia does not have many cases of COVID-19 (in comparison)
When compared to neighboring countries and having always been sort of ‘isolated’ (few direct flights and airlines to Bolivia), the country gratefully has fewer cases and fewer restrictions. With the vaccine hopefully being rolled out massively starting in April 2021, there should be fewer and fewer cases the rest of the year.
Tourism activity is at an all-time low with very affordable prices and good deals
Like in most of the world, pretty much all trips to Bolivia were canceled in 2020 and there are few bookings for 2021. You can find good deals in tours (including us, just contact us) and accommodation but best of all, you would find yourself in a great hotel just for yourself or at the best attractions with almost no one else around. In addition, hosts would be more welcoming than ever.
Natural places have recovered
While some national parks remain closed (there is no good reasoning as to why), nature has had plenty of time to recover from tourism (not that there was ever ‘overtourism’ in Bolivia) so this year will be the best for wildlife watching and pristine landscapes without the crowds.
Everything in the country is functioning normally
Once you enter the country, everything is working almost as usual, meaning there are almost no restrictions on where to go, where to eat or where to stay. If you have already been vaccinated, you can rest assured that you will not have any issues (nor moral dilemmas) when enjoying yourself traveling around the country.
The tourism sector needs you
Although Bolivia is far from being the only one, undoubtedly it has been hard hit by the pandemic and many people who worked in tourism have lost their jobs. So, by visiting, more than ever, you will be helping more than one family who needs visitors in order to bring some food to the table, especially in these critical times.
So there you are. With vaccination slowly but surely reaching most of the world in 2021, it is highly likely to be the best year to book a tour or holiday in Bolivia. So what are you waiting for?
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